"Choose the Right or Suffer Life," Prabowo said

LiputanNet. Presidential candidate number 02, Prabowo Subianto, warned the public not to be white or golput in the 2019 General Election. He conveyed this to the people of Atambua, East Nusa Tenggara, who were in the border region with Timor Leste.

"If ordinary citizens do not want to think politically, they do not want to be political, it means he is apathetic. He does not care about his future, the future of his children, the future of his grandson, because politics means an effort to improve people's lives," Prabowo said quoted from the official statement, Friday, December 28, 2018.

Prabowo asked the people to choose the right leaders so they would not suffer later. He reminded, Indonesia's wealth is not only for the prosperity of a handful of people.
"In addition to religious leaders, citizens of all citizens must be brave enough to take a political stance to be brave enough to choose the right or living suffering and far from prosperity," Prabowo said.

He explained, his presence in the area was to provide a spirit of change to the border community and also former East Timorese pro-integration fighters to get a better life. According to him, the ex-combatants must be respected and also supported by their welfare.

"And later when I am given the mandate by the people of Indonesia, then I will do more for the people of Indonesia and especially the people in the east who have proven their sacrifices towards the people and the state of Indonesia," Prabowo said.


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