Sandiaga Uno Buy 'Prabowo-Sandi' Eggs, Around Magetan Market

KolomMedia. Candidate candidate number 02, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, visited the vegetable market in Magetan, East Java, Saturday, December 22, 2018. At the market, Sandi had a dialogue with Dirah and Sugiyem, sellers of onions and chili.

From the monitoring, the two middle-aged female traders looked happy because they were able to shake hands and meet Sandiaga directly.

According to Suginem, the price of vegetables is currently up and down. Like onions and chili.
"The price here is quite stable, sir, big green chili is seventeen thousand, 25 thousand shallots, 40 thousand red chili," Suginem said with a smile.

Suginem's smile was even happier when Sandi shop for merchandise, which reached one hundred thousand rupiah.
"So what are the hopes, ma'am?" Asked Password. "I just want number 02 to be President, sir," answered Dariah. Sandi laughed.

Sandi also met with Intan, an egg trader. Intan, who is still 23 years old, is a laying hen breeder. He sold himself the results of his livestock.
"Now it's forced to go up sir. From twenty one thousand, now there are twenty one thousand five hundred Pak, because the food is also increasing, even tends to be rare, "said Intan.

Sandi bought two eggs from Intan by offering Rp. 100,000.
"Don't do much, Intan, just two eggs," Sandi said. "This is an egg named Prabowo Sandi," he continued.


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